Visor over the porch: the types of canopy above the entrance

The visor above the porch is an indispensable part of the building, made in any of the existing styles. Such a convenient hinge above the porch and doors protects from rain, snow, and also performs the decorative function of decorating the facade. An additional roof is created above the entrances of apartment city houses, private country mansions, country houses, at the entrances to the garage, and outbuildings.

Purpose, main functions

The purpose of the visor is practical, aesthetic, it has several functions:

  • decoration of the facade - porch, basement entrance, entrance to the garage, gazebos;
  • protection from adverse weather effects - being under a canopy, you can leisurely have time to open an umbrella without getting wet in the rain;
  • prevention of direct ingress of rain, melt water from the roof to the porch, which increases the service life of the latter, since the steps and the platform are not washed out by water;
  • protect your eyes from direct sunlight while opening the front door;
  • the formation of shadows in the summer heat;
  • reducing the degree of fading in the sun finishing materials doors, pediment;
  • preventing the entrance of large puddles, snowdrifts in front of the entrance;
  • protection from icicles falling from the roof during the thaw period.

Among other things, the construction not only complements the overall architecture of the house, but also zones the space of the facade, participates in the design of the house-side landscape.

In order for the shed to fully fulfill its functions, it is required to take care of the drainage system from the roof - a drain pipe, a barrel.


Technical requirements

A good visor should:

  • comply with the standards of GOST, SNiP, other specifications, standards;
  • be durable, reliable, safe;
  • to withstand the load in the form of snow, hail, rainwater;
  • not be too heavy for the bearing wall;
  • easy and simple to mount above the door;
  • have fasteners of sufficient reliability;
  • look beautiful on the facade;
  • perform well the functions of sufficient protection from the sun, rain.

Correctly made hinged element is able to perfectly protect from the weather entering the entrance of a person and his property.


Varieties, forms of designs

Professional builders classify visors by shape, highlighting the types and varieties:

  • arched;
  • domed;
  • concave;
  • type "marquis";
  • flat;
  • straight with valance;
  • "midnight";
  • leaning with or without valance;
  • dvukhskatny with valance or without;
  • tricate


The standard version consists of a frame - supporting structure, on which the roofing materials are laid. The angle of inclination, the number of slopes of a canopy depend on the shape of the frame base. The frame itself consists of a rack, support bars, struts, beams, fasteners. It is made of natural wood with metal hardware or from aluminum, shaped pipes, iron, steel corners.


Over the entire area it is sheathed with a professional flooring that is completely impermeable to water. Usually used specially treated wood, polycarbonate, alucobond, asbestos cement sheets, tempered or triplex glass.

If several steps lead up to the porch, it is advisable to make a hanging structure over them all.


Mounting methods

The canopy is attached to the wall in various ways:

SuspensionFastened at the top with pliers or screws.
HingedThe supporting elements rest on the supporting wall, its dimensions are usually small.
Fixed on supportsThis option is durable, reliable, has a beautiful appearance, the load is evenly distributed on the vertical supports, which are attached to the railing or the porch itself.

Visors are:

ModularEasy to assemble-dismantle yourself, individual elements can be replaced if necessary
MonolithicMade of concrete slabs and metal, installation and modernization of complex, time-consuming, but the product is very durable
HybridCombine the ease of modular designs with high strength monolithic.

In private homes, lightweight suspended structures are usually used, which are easy to repair, completely removed if required. Monolithic are created in the process of building a house, literally "forever."


Frame materials, racks

The visor above the porch, terrace, vestibule, the transition from the bay window is made of metal (galvanized, steel, cast iron, various non-ferrous alloys), forged from iron, wood, concrete (from lightweight compounds), polymer (for lightweight products).

The selection of suitable fabrication materials depends on the size of the shed, installation methods, type of roof, its mass, as well as the exterior style of the house.



Metal hinged designs are most common. They are reliable, very strong, durable, with proper anti-corrosion treatment, fire-resistant, but not suitable for spherical products. There are prefabricated frames and mounted by welding. From above, they are covered with galvanized iron, metal profiles, metal tiles, etc.


Forged products are made by hand, because of their high price. They are very durable, beautiful, will last a long time. The design is a fancy patterns, curlicues, vegetable, plot motifs, can be a single ensemble with wrought iron gates, lanterns, railings, door fittings and other garden decor. Forged products should also be coated with corrosion inhibiting compounds.

Since the construction is very heavy, in order to avoid collapse, its installation must be carried out by specialists.


The wood is easy and convenient to process, but it can last for a long time only with constant care, impregnation with special means that prevent rotting, mold, fungus damage, fire. This material is suitable for the manufacture of protective structures above the bay window, wicket, gazebo, which also serves as a grape support. The construction is made of timber and planks, decorated with carved details, repairs are carried out relatively simply.

Facing materials

Materials for coating canopies are metal and polycarbonate, special plastic and high-strength glass, shingles and Ondulin. The latter is rarely used, due to the fact that it is mild, highly combustible, short-lived. Wood is used extremely rarely, since even taking into account the special treatment, it serves little, poorly coping with the function of protection against rain.

In order for the house to look harmoniously, as a whole, it is desirable that the cover of the visor coincides with the material used to make the roof.



Cellular or monolithic polycarbonate - one of the best materials for the device light, transparent canopy. It is relatively light, durable (lasts up to 15-25 years), well passes sunlight, but almost completely retains harmful ultraviolet rays. Cellular, it is a cellular variety, is flexible, monolithic - high insulating properties. Polycarbonate does not burn, does not rot, is not spontaneously deformed.


Polyvinyl chloride is very cheap, easy, but not suitable for every style of home and garden. It is mounted on any frame pasted over with film. The advantage of plastic in high light transmittance (for transparent variants), the presence of the widest color palette, high flexibility, the main drawback is mechanically weared quickly, destroyed due to exposure to ultraviolet rays, if it is not covered with a sunscreen film.


The glass visor is durable; from the inside, it is covered with a film that protects from shattering fragments during mechanical damage. It is performed matte or with one-sided visibility, if its main function is to be sunscreen. Rain protection may well be completely transparent. To prevent the structure from getting dirty, quickly losing its appearance, it is recommended to use it with a dust-repellent, water-resistant coating - dirt, dust does not linger on this.

All-glass construction is expensive, because it is not mounted in the backyard, above the door to the basement.

Metal tile

The material is a sheet made of galvanized steel, coated on both sides with a special polymer protection. On the metal tile there is a pattern that gives the impression of a real tile. The material is durable, lightweight, easy to install, able to withstand considerable loads, suitable for most modern and historical styles, but it gets very hot in the heat, and during rain, hail creates a lot of noise.


This coating not only looks great, but also retains its appearance for many years without special care. Shingles have a low weight, often used for products that require bending. Unlike metal, bitumen does not create excessive noise during rain, hail, absorbs sound. Available in various colors that are easy to pick up under the color of other finishes.

Visor design

The design of the shed depends on the material of production, stylistic design, design features of the whole house. For a loft style, a rough duo-pitch metal-shaped construction is suitable; for minimalism, a strict straight plastic visor. The classic is decorated with a metal tile, richly decorated with wrought curls, the empire style, baroque - based on round columns, combined with stucco cornice. The gothic canopy has a sharp top, the Chinese style is two-tiered, multi-tiered, where all the details are slightly bent upwards.


The peak can be combined in style with the railing located under it, forming a kind of partially closed arbor. A massive concrete structure resting on poles is attached to a large brick mansion. A small, covered with siding, fit the finish of the professional sheet. A triangular canopy is made if the porch is located in the inner corner, a semicircular - in front of the house. You can also equip the enclosed space used for summer holidays, storage of things, etc.

If the visor is needed only as a functional - a protective element, you should choose the simplest, without unnecessary "bells and whistles", the main thing is to correctly combine it in color with other design.


How to do it yourself

The main part of the roof is usually entrusted to roofing specialists, but the hand-made device of the visor is available to almost any good owner, although some still buy finished products on the construction markets. It is also important to think about the practical and aesthetic part - I just want “so that the rain does not fall on the porch” or that the building looks beautiful and the construction is solid. In the latter case, a detailed dimensional drawing is required.

When drafting a house, it is taken into account that a visor of the corresponding shape is made over each door, the entrances to the garage, bathhouse, shed, etc. If the building has a circular cross section, then the canopy is also made semi-circular. It is recommended to use only fireproof materials. The standard scheme provides that the design of the visor above the main entrance, a spare or corner will vary greatly.

What else to consider when drawing up a plan:

  • the width of the visor is 55-65 centimeters more than the door;
  • the minimum angle of inclination is 20-40 degrees;
  • the length of the structure is slightly wider than the porch or hides all the steps;
  • whether the shed will belong to the roof, be a separate part.

If it is planned to manufacture a suspended structure, the mounts are located above the visor, which affects its weight limit, the appearance of the structure. Suspended mounted on a support structure to the wall below it, may be of medium gravity. Cement-sand mortar is needed if a heavy canopy will rest on two, three, four or more racks.

How to make a direct visor:

  • U-shaped base is welded from metal parts, then basic parts are mounted on it;
  • the frame is assembled on the ground or immediately welded onto a part suspended from the facade;
  • the visor is usually fixed in the two upper and two lower points - holes are drilled for them, but for large structures the number of fasteners is increased;
  • the number of bridges depends on the materials used - when using profiled sheeting, a step is taken 25-35 centimeters, for a metal profile - 50 cm or more;
  • the last is a protective film, gutters, pipes for water drainage.

When you want to make a wave-shaped canopy, you need to cut the pipes, with a margin of up to 20-30% of the length, to bend them with a pipe bender. If the structure is planned to be covered with heavy materials, additional stops are needed, going to the wall at an angle.

Features of work with a wooden frame:

  • above the entrance mark the location of the future structure, holes are drilled;
  • then a timber bar is fastened here, then two more, but vertically;
  • at a slant to the horizontal part, bars are also attached on two sides — a framework on which the roofing material will be laid;
  • for large-scale variants, lathing is made, and an outer covering is made on it;
  • wooden canopy is usually made straight, two-sloping - making round forms of wood is extremely time-consuming, because it is used only as an exception.

With their own hands they usually make constructions of plastic, corrugated sheeting, fasten it with thermo washers, self-tapping screws, using a layer of rubber. Between the parts of the sheet material leave small gaps, in case of temperature drops. After laying the material on the crate, at the junction of the canopy and the wall, a sealing planochka of metal is nailed, under it - a wall profile, a compactor. Below is the profile itself, fixed on the crate with a counter-grille, waterproofing layer, rafters.

If the visor is supported by the supports, the distance between them is no more than one and a half to two meters. They are made of concrete, brick, metal pipes or profiles, installed on the foundation. For the strength of the structure, recesses for the beams are made in the walls of the house, which will be laid on supports. In the finished canopy mount point lights, LED tape, hang lights on both sides.

When calculating the angles, when measuring the length of parts, one should observe accuracy, otherwise a misalignment is possible that could significantly affect the appearance of the product.



Properly made canopy over the porch protects those entering the house, coming out of it from rain, snow, sun, wind, creating a "zest" on the facade of even the most boring building. This design is decorated with the entrance to the brick, wooden cottage, cottage, bath, terrace, rise-descent to the second, ground floor, as well as the gate. You can design a unique visor yourself or use drawings, sketches from special literature, the Internet. Many construction companies offer the manufacture of original mounted elements for only erected and ready-made buildings and structures.

Watch the video: Building a Simple Roof Over a Door - Part 1 - Making a Bracket (April 2024).

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